Postcards showing Toledo's cityscapes from the past, including historic moments.
Air-Ship Toledo No.1 in which Roy Kunben made his wonderful flights.
Roy Knasenanue Ready to start. Collingwood Ave Toledo O.
Air Ship, Toledo, O
2006 Nasser's Air ship Toledo, O
Toledo Newsboys band, Toledo, Ohio
Toledo Newsboy Cadets Co. A at St. Louis, 1904
Souvenir Fourty-Second National Encampment G.A.R. Toledo Ohio. Aug. 31-Sept. 5. 1908
Lucas County Jail. Toledo Ohio.
Madison Avenue, Looking West / Summit ST. Looking North form Jefferson Ave.
Sky line Toledo, Ohio
View of Business Section from Court House,Toledo O.
Superior Street South, Showing Interurran Station
View of Business Section from Court House,Toledo O.
Calvary Cemetery Mausleum, Toledo, Ohio
Toledo Market, Toledo, Ohio
Toledo, Ohio's Famous City Mall
Serving Christ in the Heart of Toledo since 1836, St. Paul's Methodist Church. Madsion Aveune at Thirteenth Street. Toledo, Ohio.
Aerial View Of toledo Ohio
Aerial View of High Level Bridge and City In Backround
Aerial View Of toledo Ohio
Port of Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A
Port of Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A
Arial View Downtown, Toledo, Ohio
Skyline Downtown, Toledo, Ohio
G.A.R. Decorations on Madison St. Toledo, O
The Valentine G.A.R. Week
Steedman Momument, Riverside Park, Toledo, Ohio
Steedman Momument, Riverside Park, Toledo, Ohio
Steedman Momument, Toledo, Ohio
Steedman Momument, Toledo, Ohio
Monument is Gen. Anthony Wayne on the site of the Battle of Fallen Timbers
McKinley monument, Toledo, Ohio
Toledo McKinley monument, Toledo, Ohio
Civic Center Mall with the War Memorial in the foreground, looking south
Civic Center Mall with the War Memorial and thr Public Safety Building
Jas. B. Steedman Momument, Toledo, Ohio
Gen. Steedman Monument, Toledo, Ohio.
Steamer "Owana" / Cherry Street Bridge, Showing Draw
View of Toledo Park and Imagination Station from the Maumee River
Adams and St. Clair, 1961
Cherry Street Toledo, O
View of Collingwood Ave.
Collingwood Ave. North From Hancroft. Showing Ford Residence, Toledo Ohio
Shady [...] Ashland and Collingwood Ave, Toledo, Ohio
Intersection of Collingwood and Ashland Ave's. Toledo, Ohio.
Collingwood Ave. Toledo, Ohio
Madison Ave. view showing the Spilter and Nicholas Buildings Toledo, O
St. Clair St. and Madison Avenue: Boody House (left), Produce Exchange (right), and the Ohio Bank
Madison Avenue, looking east: The Wall Street of Toledo, with the Nasby Building (right)
Madison Ave. Toeldo, O.
4479- Madison Ave., From St. Clair St. Toledo, Ohio
Madison Ave. Looking West Toledo, O
Madison Aveune Looking East, Toledo, Ohio.
Madison Street, Toledo O
View of the Nasby Building on Madison Ave.
Madison Avenue
Madison Ave. Toledo O
Monroe St. Toledo, O
3104 Monroe and Glenwood Ave. Toledo, Ohio.
St. Clair Street Toledo, Ohio
Adaines Street Toledo Ohio
St. Claire North from Adanas Toledo Ohio
Scottwood Avenue, Toledo Ohio
Summit street Toledo, O
Summit Street, Toledo, Ohio
Summit street Looking North, Toledo, Ohio
Summit Street with the Steedman Monument
Summit street looking North Toledo Ohio
Summitt St. TOledo, O. Showing 22 Elephants On parade. Circus Day
Summit St. Looking North Toledo, O.
Birc[k]head Place Toledo, Ohio.
4480- Summit St. South from Adams Toledo, O.
Summit Street North from Jefferson Toledo, Ohio
Superior Street South, Showing Interurran Station
Knights Templaces' Parade on Superior Street TOledo, Ohio Sept. 26, 1906
2665 Broadway
2653 Broadway
Bronson Place Toledo, Ohio
Bronson Place Toledo, Ohio
Bronson Place Toledo, Ohio
Adams Street Looking West
Central Ave. Crossing Ten mile Creek, toledo, O.
Vaiantine Threatre Toledo, O
Lobby of Gigi's Theatre, Toledo, Ohio
Scene at the Farm Theater Toledo, Ohio
Overview of Toledo Tomorrow by Norman Mel Geddes
King Wamba Carnival Week. Toledo, O. Aug. 23-27,'09
The ohio Dairy company display in Civic Parade. King Wanha Carnvial Week. Toledo Ohio 1909
King Wamba receiving Ket, Wamba Carnival Toledo Ohio
No-373 arival of the Royal Par. Wamba Carnival Toledo, O
Entrance to the plaza Great King Wamba Carnival, Toledo Ohio
Broadway Entrance, Zoological Park, Toledo, Ohio
Toledo Zoo