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Exhibit Gallery
Photo credits: Josef Schneider (all Woodlawn photogragraphs) and Larry Leach (Doria and Thomas T Tracy).
James Ashley
James Baumgardner's grave
Anderton Bentley's headstone
The Berdan Family mausoleum
The Breyman family mausoleum
Charles H. Breyman
The Browning family mausoleum
Chesbrough family mausoleum
The Collins family mausoleum
John Craig's grave
The Crosby family gravesite
William Culver's head stone
Albert "Bert" S. Close
Isaac Horning Detwiler's grave
Henry Dodge's grave
Charles C. Doolittle's grave
The Doyle family mausoleum
John H. Doyle
Doria Tracy
John Felker's grave
Stevens Warren Flower's grave
George R. Ford's grave
George R. Ford
Albert V. Foster's grave
John W. Fuller's grave
John W. Fuller
John Gunckel's memorial
The Hinde Family mausoleum
The Hubbard family mausoleum
Samuel M. Jones's grave
Adrian "Addie" Joss's grave
John M. Killits's grave
Clarence Lamb's grave
Gustav Lay's grave
Gustav Lay
The Lewis family mausoleum
The Libbey family mausoleum
Edward Drummond Libbey
Gilson D. Light's grave
David Ross Locke's grave
David Ross Locke
Albert E. Macomber's grave
Albert E. Macomber
Guido Marx's grave
George Stratford Mills's grave
George Stratford Mills
The Miniger family mausoleum
Clement O. Miniger
Raymon Mulford's grave
Elizabeth Mulholland's grave
Lynn M. Murphy's grave
Colonel Henry Neubert's grave
Charles Northup's grave
John William Oswald's grave
Earle L. Peters's grave
Maj. Merrill N. Pheatt's grave
Ramson Richards's grave
Erwin P. Raymond's grave
Frazier Reams's grave
Dr. Calvin Hamilton Reed
S.C. Reynolds's and W. B. Reynolds's grave
William E. Richards's grave
George W. Ritter's grave
Jefferson D. Robinson's grave
Jefferson D. Robinson
Horton C. Rorick's grave
James Secor's grave
James Secor
Gen. Isaac R. Sherwood's grave
Gen. Isaac R. Sherwood
The Spitzer family mausoleum
Gen. James B. Steedman's grave (front angled view)
Front view
Gen. James B. Steedman
George B. Storer's grave
George B. Storer
The Stranahan family mausoleum
Robert A. Stranahan
Thomas Henry Tracy*
The Tiedtke family mausoleum
Sergeant Ernst Torgler's grave
Morrison Remmick Waite's grave
Morrison Remmick Waite
William Spooner Walbridge's grave
William Spooner Walbridge
Walbridge family gravesite
Herbert Whitney's grave
The Woolson family mausoleum
The entrance to Woodlawn Cemetery.
Roy William Babcock
Roy William Babcock's grave
Marcus Barbour's grave
Rudolph A. Bartley
The Bartley family mausoleum
John Craig
The Cummings family gravesite
Edwin F. Damschroder, Sr.'s grave
Stevens Warren Flower