News clippings about historic fires
Toledo Fire Department's Most Tragic Day: The Anthony Wayne Trail Fire [PDF]
The Blade's coverage of the disaster [Google News Archive link]
Elevator Fire Disaster Rocked City 50 Years Ago - - The Union Railroad and Transportation Co. Fire (Source: Blade, Sept. 20, 1898)
Fire and Death - The Dow & Snell Fire (May 20, 1898)
Dramatic Rescue in fire 51 Years Ago is Recalled -An Account of the Dramatic Rescue at The Dow & Snell Fire (Blade, May 20, 1949)
Flame Swept Toledo: Nearly a Million Dollars Went Up in Smoke Last Night - - The Chamber of Commerce Fire (January 3, 1894) [Article link]
Rosen's Junk Warehouse Fire - Capt. Gallacher Lost His Life Fighting the Fire Fiend [Article link]
Warren & Bidwell Co. Fire 1872 - A Thief in the Night [Article Link]