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Toledo's Automotive Pioneers - Clipping File
The Early Experience of Driving
- "Antics of a Steam Carriage" by S. Q. Lapius (The Horseless Age, Dec. 26, 1900, p. 14 jpeg/image)
- "Three Month´s Use of a Steam Carriage" by a Country Doctor (The Horseless Age, Nov. 27, 1901, 5 pp., PDF)
- "Six Months With a Steam Carriage", by E. Miller (The Horseless Age, Jan. 1, 1902 , p. 28-29, PDF)
- "The Log of a Toledo from Toledo to Hot Springs, Ark." (The Horseless Age, Jan. 22, 1902 , p. 126, jpeg/image)
- "A Trip Through the Rockies (by Toledo steamer)" (The Automobile (New York), Feb. 1902, p. 50, jpeg.image)
- "The Steam Carriage in the Heavy Winds of the Plains" by James G. Blaine (a description of use of a Toledo in Kansas)" (The Horseless Age, Feb. 19, 1902 , 3 pp, PDF)
- "Toledo´s Use of Commercial Trucks (Illus.)" (The Horseless Age, July 5, 1905, pp. 30-31, PDF)
- "The New York-Buffalo Endurance Run" (the Toledo steamers´ first competition), Sept. 1901 (The Horseless Age, Sept. 11, 1901, 20 pp., PDF)
- "The New York-Buffalo Endurance Run" (the Toledo steamers´ first competition), Sept. 1901, part two. (The Horseless Age, Sept. 18, 1901, p. 509-510, PDF)
- "Impressions of the New York-Buffalo Endurance Contest" by Albert L. Clough" (The Horseless Age, Sept. 18, 1901, p. 512-514, PDF)
- "Some Things Lacking (criticism of the Buffalo-New York race) by C.C. Bramwell" (The Horseless Age, Sept. 18, 1901, p. 516, PDF)
- "The New York-Buffalo Endurance Run: The Third Stage [note Pope interviewed on page 27]" (The Horseless Age, Sept. 18, 1901, 27 pp., PDF)
- "Record of the Toledo in Endurance Run," a letter from W.C. Stuart (The Horseless Age, Oct. 2, 1901, p. 568, jpeg/image)
- ´'Deeds of the Record Breakers" (Toledo wins Grosse Point races), 1901 (The Horseless Age, Oct. 16, 1901, p. 600, PDF)
- "Official records of the New York-Buffalo Endurance Race" (The Horseless Age,Oct. 16, 1901, 3 pp., PDF)
- "Table of results from the Long Island Endurance Race (two of the twenty-two blue ribbons awarded go to Toledos)." (The Horseless Age, Apr. 30, 1902 , p. 542,jpeg/image)
- "Sixty H.P. Pope-Toledo Racer" (The Horseless Age, June 29, 1904 , p. 681, jpeg/image)
- "The Vanderbilt Cup Race (Illus.)" (The Horseless Age, Oct. 12, 1904 , p. 378-380, PDF)
The Toledo Steamers
- ´The New Toledo Steam Carriage´, 1901." (The Horseless Age, July 24, 1901, p. 361, PDF)
- Photo of the Toledo Steam Carriage, July 1901" (The Horseless Age, July 24, 1901, p. 361, jpeg/image)
- The Toledo steamers at the Madison Square Garden Auto Show" (The Horseless Age, Oct. 16, 1901, 2 pp., PDF)
- Description of the steam vehicles at the Madison Square Garden Auto Show. (ABC sold 36 autos during the show; Winton over 100)" (The Horseless Age, Nov. 6, 1901, p. 672-673, PDF)
- Table of Data of Steam Vehicles Displayed at Madison Square Garden Auto Show, Nov. 1901" (The Horseless Age, Nov. 20, 1901, p. 734, jpeg/image)
- "The Toledo Steam Carriage Model D. (Illus.)" (The Automobile (New York), Jan. 1902, p. 7-8, PDF)
- "Advertisement for the 1902 ´Toledo"´ Steam Carriage" (The Automobile (New York), Jan. 1902, p. 8, jpeg/image)
- International Motor Car Company´s Exhibit at Chicago" (The Horseless Age, Feb. 12, 1902 , p. 220, jpeg/image)
- "Advertisement for the International Motor Car Co., makers of the Toledo steamers." (The Automobile (New York), Feb. 1902, p. 31, jpeg/image)
- "Advertisement for the International Motor Car Co., makers of the Toledo steamers." (The Automobile (New York), May. 1902, p. 158, jpeg/image)
- "Some Features of the (1902) Toledo Steam Carriage (illus.) Part One." (The Horseless Age, Apr. 16, 1902, 5 pp., PDF)
- "The Twelve Horse Power Toledo Gasoline Touring Car (1903) (Illus.)" (The Horseless Age, Apr. 22, 1903 , 4 pp., PDF)
- "Some Features of the (1902) Toledo Steam Carriage (illus.) Part Two." (The Horseless Age, Apr. 23, 1902 , p. 494-496, PDF)
- Advertisement for the Toledo Steam Carriage, Dec. 1901." (The Horseless Age, Dec. 25, 1901, p. 111, jpeg/image)
- Photo of the Toledo Steam Carriage, Model D, circa 1901." (The Horseless Age, Dec. 25, 1901, p. 111, jpeg/image)
- The ´Toledo´ Steam Carriage - a description from the Horseless Age, Dec. 1900" (The Horseless Age, Dec. 26, 1900, p. 14, jpeg/image)
- "Photo of a Toledo Steamer in use over rough Kansas roads." (The Horseless Age, Feb. 19, 1902 , p. 252, jpeg/image)
- Advertisement for the ´Toledo´ Steam Automobile" (The Horseless Age, Feb. 20, 1901, p. 9, jpeg/image)
- "Some Features of the Toledo (steam car), Jan. 1902." (The Horseless Age, Jan. 8, 1902 , 4 pp, PDF)
- "The (1902) Toledo (steam) Touring Car" (The Horseless Age, Mar. 12, 1902 , p. 327-328, PDF)
- "Photo of the 1902 Toledo (steam) Touring Car." (The Horseless Age, Mar. 12, 1902 , p. 327-328, jpeg/image)
- Advertisement for the ´Toledo´ Steam Automobile" (The Horseless Age, Mar. 13, 1901, p. 9, jpeg/image)
- New Toledo Dos-a-Dos (1902) (Illus.)" (The Horseless AgeThe Horseless Age, June 25, 1902 , p. 765, jpeg/image)
- "Photo of the 1902 Toledo Dos-a-Dos " (The Horseless Age, June 25, 1902 , p. 765, jpeg/image)
- "´The Toledo Four-Ton Steam Truck´" (The Horseless Age, Nov. 20, 1901, p. 721, PDF)
- ´The Toledo Junior´: a late entry to the Madison Square Garden Auto Show" (The Horseless Age, Nov. 20, 1901, p. 722, jpeg/image)
The Gasoline Toledos
- "The (1904) Pope-Toledo Four Cylinder Touring Car (Illus.)" (The Horseless Age, Feb. 10, 1904 , p. 165-166, PDF)
- The Sixteen Horse Power Toledo Gasoline Touring Car (Illus.)" (The Horseless Age, Aug. 20, 1902 , p. 201, jpeg/image)
- "Schematic sideview of Toledo Gasoline Touring Car (1902)" (The Horseless Age, Aug. 20, 1902 , p. 201, jpeg/image)
- "Schematic topview of Toledo Gasoline Touring Car (1902)" (The Horseless Age, Aug. 20, 1902 , p. 201, jpeg/image)
- "New Vehicles and Parts: The 1905 Pope-Toledo" (The Horseless Age, Apr. 5, 1905 , p. 411-413, PDF)
- The Toledo Throttle (Illus.)" (The Horseless Age, Aug. 6, 1902 , p. 141, jpeg/image)
- "The Pope-Toledo Model XV (Illus.)" (The Horseless Age, Sept. 26, 1906, p. 379-381, PDF)
- The Toledo Three Cylinder Motor (Illus.)" (The Horseless Age, Sept. 3, 1902 , p. 258, PDF)
- The Transmission Gear of the Toledo Gasoline Touring Car (Illus.)" (The Horseless Age, Sept. 17, 1902 , p. 305-306, PDF)
- "A photo of the 1902 Toledo Gasoline Touring Car." (The Horseless Age, Mar. 12, 1902 , p. 324, jpeg/image)
Other Early Toledo Auto Makers
- "The ´Car De Luxe" (Illus.) (The Horseless Age, Dec. 5, 1906 , p. 823-824, PDF)
- "The Craig-Toledo Touring Car (Illus.)" (The Horseless Age, Dec. 5, 1906 , p. 830-831, PDF)
- "New (1905) Yale Models (Illus.)" (The Horseless Age, Jan. 11, 1905 , p. 47-48, PDF)
- "Advertisement for the Yale 4 cylinder." (The Horseless Age, July 5, 1905 , p. lxi, PDF, jpeg/image)
Patents and Inventors
- Patent 657,643 - Lubricator for Engine Cylinders by George A. Burwell of Toledo, Sept. 11, 1900" (The Horseless Age, Sept. 26, 1900, p. 24, jpeg/image)
- Patent No. 702,410 for an ´Engine Controlling Mechanism´ filed Dec. 19, 1901, by Otto F. Dannenberg and Ralph L. Morgan, of Toledo, Ohio, awarded June 17, 1902." (The Horseless Age, June 25, 1902 , p. 771, jpeg/image)
- Patent no. 680,899 - Automobile by Alfred Thompson, Aug. 20, 1901" (The Horseless Age, Sept. 4, 1901, p. 486, jpeg/image)
- "'Engine Control by Dilution of Charge with Inert Gases' by H.P. Dodge of Toledo." (The Horseless Age, Apr. 2, 1902 , p. 425, jpeg/image)
The Automotive Industry and Misc.
- ´International Motor Car Company´s Testing Methods´" (The Horseless Age, Jan. 22, 1902 , p. 119-120, PDF)
- The ´Simplex´ and ´Multiplex´ Lubricators for Gasoline Vehicles (made by the Automatic Lubricator Company of Toledo, Ohio)" (The Horseless Age, June 18, 1902 , p. 742-743, jpeg/image)
- "´Brake Tests Under the Auspices of the A.C.A.´ (includes table of braking performance for 1902 Toledo steamers). (Illus.)" (The Horseless Age, May 7, 1902 , p. 565-566, PDF)
- Production statistics for leading automobile manufacturers for 1901." (The Horseless Age, Nov. 13, 1901, p. 709, jpeg/image)
- New Vehicle Tax Law for Toledo, Ohio" (The Horseless Age, Oct 5, 1904 , p. 350, jpeg/image)
- The Toledo Automobile Club" (The Horseless Age, Oct. 8, 1902 , p. 394, jpeg/image)
- The (founding of) the Toledo Automobile Club" (The Horseless Age, Sept. 17, 1902 , p. 308, jpeg/image)