Downtown Toledo Map
Original exhibit text:
Below is a map of downtown Toledo in 1902. By clicking on any city block you will see a detailed map of the buildings, businesses, and general geography of the area. Or you may browse through a detailed index of businesses, places, and attractions that are linked to areas on the map. More features will be available soon - check out a prototype of an enhanced map block that connects this map to images from the period. (You can navigate around the individual city blocks by clicking on the pointing hands and you can return to this master map by clicking on the mini-maps.)
The updated exhibit (2022) is an adaptation of the original walking tour using a combination of the Joomla Arts Image Hotspot (a Joomla module) and Google Street Views. Touching the markers or hovering over them with a mouse will cause a Sanborn block map to open. Each marker corresponds one of seventy-one featured city blocks with many prominent and less known establishments (institutions, businesses, and government services) that existed throughout Toledo in 1902. In contrast, Google Maps and Street Views allow virtually touring the same space in the present using a smartphone,tablet, or any computer. The pointing hands, camera icons, and mini-maps on the original tour maps have been preserved but are no longer functional. The original vector graphic has been replaced by a 1904 Sanborn map of Toledo (obtained from Ohio Memory) cropped to show the original tour area only. Each Google Street view has been set to point towards a public space (street, intersection, or other public space) and does not intentionally promote any present-day establishments or intrude anyone's private space inadvertently in the process. The Block Index presents the city blocks from the south northward and from the west eastward while the Category Index presents the establishments according to the categories they fall under. The repetitions (barbers, liveries, saloons, etc.) merely show how may of those existed at the time, but they were not identified by name in the 1902 Sanborn maps either.
1902 Walking Tour, 2022