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Paul Laurence Dunbar
Exhibit Gallery
Chub De Wolfe, "Among the Folks," Toledo Blade, Jan 5, 1940
Chas. A. Thatcher to PLD
Hadley and Hadley Co. to PLD
Hadley and Hadley Co. to PLD
A.A. Jennings to PLD
Isaac Smead to PLD
H.A. Tobey to PLD
H.A. Tobey to Dr. J.T. Eskridge, July 25, 1899
J.T. Eskridge to H.A. Tobey, July 31, 1899
Chas. A. Thatcher to PLD, July 7, 1895
70 dunbar
Toledo State Hospital's Amusement Hall where Tobey asked Dunbar to read
(P.L. Dunbar) At the Auditorium last evening... (source: Toledo Blade, Dec. 13, 1898.)
Dunbar iou
Paul Laurence Dunbar, "American Poet" on a 10 cent postage stamp
Dunbar Heard Again: Recital of Clever Lyrics: The Colored Bard Charms a Toledo Audience... (source and date unknown)
Toledo Mayor Samuel Jones's letter to Dunbar
Majors and Minors by Paul Laurence Dunbar
Majors and Minors by Paul Laurence Dunbar; Animation: Cover page, front matter, and table of content
Poem by J.N. Mockett entitled, "Paul Lawrence Dunbar" (source: Toledo News-Bee, Dec. 13, 188?/1898?; )
H.A. Tobey to PLD (partial and undated letter)
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Paul Laurence Dunbar, photo and autograph
Paul Laurence Dunbar, photo and autograph
Paul Dunbar's Reading: Excellent Entertainment Given at State Hospital (Source: Toledo Blade,.n. d.)
Folks from Dixie dedication to Henry Tobey by Dunbar
Dr. Henry A. Tobey
The West End Club: An Interesting Meeting Held Last Night (Source: Toledo Blade, n.d.) Dunbar at the West End Club, n. d. (page 1)
Dunbar at the West End Club, n. d. (page 2)